The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (The School of Advanced Study, University of London) has issued a Call for Papers for the WG Hart Legal Workshop 2010 on Comparative Perspectives on Constitutions: Theory and Practice (29 June- 01 July 2010). The Workshop:
will explore theoretical and empirical aspects of national constitutions (including instruments such as Basic Laws and ‘constitutional statutes’), regional constitutional instruments, and international instruments of a ‘constitutional’ nature. Particular emphasis will be placed on questions concerning the purposes of constitutions, the extent to which such conceptualisations are given expression in the drafting of constitutional texts, and the means by which methods, techniques and institutional innovations are traded across jurisdictions.
Proposals for papers or panels that fall within the framework of these themes are welcomed.The committee especially welcomes contributions from early career researchers and papers of a cross-disciplinary nature.
All papers will be posted on the workshop website. Subsequently, the organising committee intends to seek publication of a selection of these papers in more permanent form.
The themes include:
1. Conceptualisations of the purposes of constitutions
2. Transplants, Irritations, Migrations, Harmonization
3. Constructing Constitutions
CFP: Northwestern Law Review's Empirical Issue
4 hours ago
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