18 October 2011


ELSA MALTA, the Maltese chapter of the European Law Students' Association (ELSA) have recently launched the ELSA Malta Law Review, a new annual law review supported by the Chamber of Advocates (the Bar Association of Malta):

The aims of the Law Review are to provide students with exposure and to publish their research; to provide opportunities for students and young practitioners to enhance their academic writing and editing skills; to provide greater accessibility to legal scholarship for practitioners, academic and students; to publish research by academia.

Submissions are now being accepted for the second edition. The contents of the first issue include:

• Foreword by Professor Kevin Aquilina, Dean of the Faculty of Laws, University of Malta.
• Foreword by Professor Peter G. Xuereb, Head of the Department of European and Comparative Law and Patron of the ELSA European Union Law Essay Competition.
• Editorial by Anna Abela, Editor in Chief of the ELSA Malta Law Review.
• Daniel Mark Azzopardi, 'Integrating Europe's Security Markets: The Way Forward'.
• Roberta Avellino, 'Trafficking in Persons: A Contemporary Threat to Human Dignity'.
• Paul Cachia, 'Recent Developments in the sphere of Jurisdiction in Civil and Commercial Matters'.
• Charles Cassar, 'Leap of Faith: Launching the First Maltese Unit Trust'.
• Lauro Fava, 'The European Union's Constitutional Development: Towards the Solidary Integration Model'.
• Ismail Faiza, 'Guantanamo Bay: A Human Disaster as a Consequence of Disregard To Law'.
• Paul Lambert, 'Television Courtroom Broadcasting Research: The Problem, the Challenge and Eye Tracking'.
• Tomas Pavelka, 'The Concept of 'Directed Website' - A Jurisdictional Phenomenon Clarified? Cross-border consumer and tort victim protection in the light of recent ECJ Jurisprudence'.
• David Testa, 'Challenging Classical Self-Determination: Kosovo's Case for Independence'.
• Gordon Wade, 'Freedom of Expression, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: A Jurisdictional Comparative'.
• Clement Mifsud Bonnici, 'Mobility in Europe through Primary Outbound Establishment: Challenging the Daily Mail Rule', Winner of the ELSA Malta European Union Law Essay Competition.
• Karl Tanti, 'The Common Consolidated Tax Base and Its Implications for Malta', Awarded a Special Commendation in the ELSA Malta European Union Law Essay Competition.
• Tessa Mallia Borg, 'The Quantification of Damages Before the Maltese Courts in Light of Turner vs. Agius and Recent Amendments to the Civil Code'.
• Jakub Jost, 'Joined Cases C-92/09 AND c-93/09 Volker und Markus Schecke GbR Hartmut Eifert v. Land Hessen, judgment
of the Court of Justice (Grand Chamber) of 9 November 2010'.
• Nicola Jaccarini, 'The Quantification of Damages Under Maltese Tort Law - An Analysis of Butler vs. Heard in
Consideration of Past, Present and Proposed Legislation'.
• Alison Mallia Borg, 'Taxation of Foundations Under the Foundations (Income Tax) Regulations'.

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