The newest issue of the German Law Journal is available. In addition, the editors note the publication of Comparative Law as Transnational Law: A Decade of the German Law Journal (OUP).
The announcement of the journal reads:
This issue is packed to the rim with first-rate, exciting scholarship and it is ---- collaborative! Have a look at our call for papers in conjunction with the English translation of Hermann Kantorowicz's 1906 article on "Der Kampf um die Rechtswissenschaft" in the context of a growing discontent with legal formalism and positivism.
We are one issue away from drawing this year, the Journal's twelfth volume, to an end, and we would like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to our readers, authors and students who continue to make the Journal's publication worthwhile - and possible. We do receive a very high number of submissions and, as a result, are sometimes facing longer delays in our peer-review process, for which we ask for your patience and understanding.
The book is described as follows:
At more than 500 pages, the volume collects selected scholarship from the Journal published over the first ten years of its existence. The book is but a glimpse into the wealth and originality which our authors have contributed and continue to contribute to the Journal. Its breadth and scope illustrate the mandate of the Journal to provide an open, critical forum for transnational legal debate and inquiry. We are immensely grateful to all who have been part of this endeavor over the years. And we do apologize to all of our authors, whose piece did not find its way into the book,but remains equally visible and available through the Online Archive of the Journal, which collects the entire Journal from 2000 to the present day. The book is not the tip of an iceberg, but a small spotlight of what we have come to appreciate as a most enriching and inspiring, certainly also time-consuming, journey. The law has been undergoing tremendous change, comparative lawyers have more and more moved from the periphery into substantive areas of legal practice and theory, realizing that national reference points of their subject matter have become accompanied, challenged and relativized by an increasingly transnational world of law and regulatory governance. The Journal has developed into a forum, where the transformation of national law in a global world has been one of our work's prime focal points, and the global origin of the work published in the German Law Journal suggests that there is an interest in this inquiry. For its ongoing vitality and seriousness, we are grateful.

Other highlights in this issue are the articles and case reviews concerning one of the most important constitutional law cases out of Germany in recent years, concerning the so-called Hartz IV payments to social welfare recipients. The landmark decision is discussed in the context of a more comprehensive assessment of the trajectories and the prospects of the much-acclaimed German welfare state system.
Furthermore, you find in this issue a comparative study on the abortion rights cases in both
the U.S. and Germany.
We are one issue away from drawing this year, the Journal's twelfth volume, to an end, and we would like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to our readers, authors and students who continue to make the Journal's publication worthwhile - and possible. We do receive a very high number of submissions and, as a result, are sometimes facing longer delays in our peer-review process, for which we ask for your patience and understanding.
The book is described as follows:
At more than 500 pages, the volume collects selected scholarship from the Journal published over the first ten years of its existence. The book is but a glimpse into the wealth and originality which our authors have contributed and continue to contribute to the Journal. Its breadth and scope illustrate the mandate of the Journal to provide an open, critical forum for transnational legal debate and inquiry. We are immensely grateful to all who have been part of this endeavor over the years. And we do apologize to all of our authors, whose piece did not find its way into the book,but remains equally visible and available through the Online Archive of the Journal, which collects the entire Journal from 2000 to the present day. The book is not the tip of an iceberg, but a small spotlight of what we have come to appreciate as a most enriching and inspiring, certainly also time-consuming, journey. The law has been undergoing tremendous change, comparative lawyers have more and more moved from the periphery into substantive areas of legal practice and theory, realizing that national reference points of their subject matter have become accompanied, challenged and relativized by an increasingly transnational world of law and regulatory governance. The Journal has developed into a forum, where the transformation of national law in a global world has been one of our work's prime focal points, and the global origin of the work published in the German Law Journal suggests that there is an interest in this inquiry. For its ongoing vitality and seriousness, we are grateful.
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