Comparative Law Call for Papers for SLS Conference, from David Marrani
SLS Conference 2012 Bristol - Call for Papers: Comparative Law Section

Dear all,
The 2012 SLS Annual Conference will take place at Bristol University from 11-14 September. The theme of the conference this year is “Pressing Problems in the Law and Legal Education” and papers on that topic are particularly welcome.
The Comparative Law Section is in group A. We will be meeting on Tuesday 11th (2 slots) after the morning workshop organised at the conference by the British Association of Comparative Law (BACL) and Wednesday 12th (2 slots). Each slot lasts 90 minutes (with two to three papers, if possible grouped around a theme).
Contributions from established and new scholars are welcome. Papers can be at any stage from work-in-progress to an article ready for publication. Speakers will have to provide an abstract of their paper by August (abstracts will be generally accessible this year, as opposed to being restricted to those registered for the conference), but providing a full text is optional.
New this year:
**There will be an opportunity for poster presentations (Posters A1 size) to be displayed beside the publishers’ stands in the area where tea and coffee are served; space is limited (only 20 posters for each half of the conference). Poster presenters are expected to attend the conference in the usual way and to be available to discuss their work. Please let me know if you are interested in this opportunity to present your work in a different way.
If you are interested in presenting a paper or poster, please email me by Monday 20th February. At this stage I need no more than your name and a brief outline of the paper or poster that you would like to present. Please note that there will be a Best Paper prize and a new Best Poster prize.
Also I have been asked to remind all speakers that they are expected to book and pay for the conference in the usual way. Furthermore, if you have submitted, or are intending to submit a paper to another section, could you please let me know when submitting your Comparative Law proposal?
Best wishes,
Dr. David Marrani,
Convener SLS Comparative Law Section
SLS Comparative Law Section.
Society of Legal Scholars,
PO Box 3017.
Bristol BS6 9HJ. UK.
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