Why and when is comparative law a useful research method?How does one conduct comparative research in globalising world?Which jurisdictions should be selected? How should one structure one’s topic? Which sources can one use?
Participants will be provided with an opportunity to present their own work and thus gain useful feedback from their peers, as well academics in the field, including Professor Geoffrey Samuel, University of Kent, Professor Paula Giliker, University of Bristol, and Professor Paul Roberts, University of Nottingham.
The workshop will take place at the University of Nottingham, beginning on the afternoon of Friday 1st July. The first day will be given over to a series of plenary lectures, followed by dinner at a nearby restaurant in the evening. Saturday will be given over to student presentations and group discussion, followed by a final plenary session in the afternoon. Lunches and refreshments will be provided.
The BACL is subsidising most of the costs of this event, but a student contribution of £30 will be required (payable at the event in cash or by cheque payable to the British Association of Comparative Law). Your own university may be able to help with the costs. Students will also be expected to pay for and organise their own transport to Nottingham.
For bookings and queries please contact: Francois du Bois, School of Law, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD.
Email Francois.du.Bois@Nottingham.ac.uk Applications must be received by 16 May 2011.
Overnight accommodation is not included in the cost but this can readily be found in the University’s halls of residence. Bookings must be arranged independently by contacting the University of Nottingham Conference Office sales team on 0115 846 8000 or email conferences@nottingham.ac.uk. A single standard room will cost £22.50 per night (plus VAT), en-suite £37.50 per night (plus VAT). Please note there is an additional charge for breakfast.
For more information see the BACL web page on the Workshop.
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